Can You Afford a Lawyer?

The Santa Barbara County Lawyer Referral Service is a free service that will connect a client with an appropriate attorney for a 30 minute consultation. However, the attorney will bill the client per any subsequent arrangements made after this initial meeting. There are a few different ways the attorney may request payment:


Hourly Fees

What To Do If You Receive An MIP

A Minor in Possession, or MIP, is a misdemeanor that can be issued whenever a person under the age of 21 possesses an alcoholic beverage in a public place.  In California, a person who is found guilty of this offense may face a fine of $250, or up to 32 hours of community service, for the first offense and a fine of $500, or up to 48 hours of community service, for subsequent offenses.  They may also have their driver’s license suspended for up to 1 year. Each subsequent underage conviction can lead to additional one-year suspensions.


The Superior Court, County of Santa Barbara intends to adopt the following forms for mandatory use in criminal cases:

CR-101 – Plea Form, with Explanations and Waiver of Rights – Felony

SC-3085 – Advisement of Rights, Waiver and Pela Form – Misdemeanor

SC-3001 – Addendum to Adivsement of Rights, Waver and Plea Form


See Attachment for full annoucement, and forms.

2016 Annual Bar BBQ

March 2016