Food From The Bar Kickoff Event!

Expungement- What is it?

For those interested in clearing up their criminal record, one of the most popular ways is through expungement. A successful expungement can effectively erase the guilty verdict.  In California, expungement can only be used in cases where the verdict was a misdemeanor, or a felony that could have been a misdemeanor. However, there are some cases, such as sexual assault on a minor or a major vehicle code violation, that cannot be expunged.


The DREAM Act Clarified

Since December 2010, the DREAM (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act has served to provide temporary and potentially permanent legal status to immigrant children, as well as allow them to pay in-state tuition at state colleges and universities. To qualify for these benefits, a minor must:

·         Have entered the US before ages 15 or 16

·         Have lived in the US for five years or more

2015 Annual Bar BBQ

May 2015

April 2015

March 2015

The Real Property Section of the SBCBA presents: Due Diligence in Real Estate Transactions Concerning Land Surveying and Techniques