Feeling the effects of court budget cutbacks? Voice your concern!


The California courts have been experiencing drastic budget cuts over the past few years. Since 2010, the courts have been faced with a one-third cut in operational funding, a majority of this absorbed at the trial court level. Results have included massive court closures and lengthy delays in hearings that require immediate action.


July 2012


Q. How large of a security deposit can a landlord require from a tenant?

A. If the unit is furnished, the landlord can require up to three times the monthly rent. If the unit is unfurnished, the landlord can require up to two times the monthly rent.


Q. When can I expect to get my security deposit back?

SBCBA Debtor/Creditor Law Section Present: Discharging Taxes in Bankruptcy and Those Unnumbered Paragraphs Under Sections 507 and 523

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Workers’ Compensation

Q. What is workers’ compensation?

A. Workers’ compensation is benefits that your employer is required by law to pay for if you have a work-related injury or illness. There are two main types of injuries:

1. One accident/event at work. This could include hurting your back in a fall or burning yourself while on the job.

2. Repeated exposures at work. This could include losing hearing due to perpetual loud noise or hurting your elbow from repeated motions.




Q. What is a “Personal Injury Case”?

A. Personal injury claims stem from physical or mental injury to a person due to the negligence or harmful act of another party.  There are a variety of different types of injuries that may be addressed in personal injury cases. Below, I have listed a few of the more common examples:

a. Broken bones

b. Disc injuries in neck and spine

c. Amputations and lost fingers/toes

d. Total or partial blindness

e. Head or brain injuries

June 2012